Data limite: 15 de Fevereiro
In 2017, The Visual Studies Research Group  (University of Murcia, Spain) is organizing an international conference entitled “Art, Power and Gender: Mary of Hungary and female patronage in Renaissance” on 11th-13th May 2017. This conference aims to be the first one of a series of conferences that will be held every year to discuss  the different women who ruled in the Renaissance focusing on the artistic patronage they developed.
This first year the conference will focus on Mary of Hungary and the keynote speakers are: Miguel Falomir (Padro Museum), Annemarie Jordan (Nova University Lisboa), Krista de Jonge (Leuven University), Dagmar Eichberger (Heidelberg University), Mía Rodriguez Salgado (The London School of Economics and Political Sciencies), Camilla Cavicchi (Tours University) and Concha Herrero (Patrimonio Nacional).

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